Screen Studies Working Group
Institutional Group • 14 people
Files / Meeting Notes

Screen Studies Meeting 9/13/17

1. Attendees -- Jules, Erin, Jodi, Preminda, Nicholette, Corie, Tania, Chris, and Ed -- shared their research interests and a little bit about why they joined the group.

2. We went around made suggestions for things to group could do over the course of the year.

Suggestions made:

maybe collectively reading something and talking about it.

Hearing more in-depth what people are researching (mini research day)

Micro talks

Movie field trip and talk

Connecting with the Parkway about piggy backing on their programming; having someone from our group co-present one of the films, etc.

Getting more information on film practice/production

Watching films from the library collection where one or two people in the group take lead of the conversation.

MLLI film festival, we could join that somehow

Compertization analysis and measurement is and under-researched area (find someone who does that kind of thing to discuss)

3. Decided to attend a screening of Rate Film at the Parkway Theater in order to discuss at the next meeting. The film will also be available at the library on DVD.

4. Meeting approximately every 6 weeks, a doodle poll will go out one week prior to the meeting for scheduling the following meeting.

5. Corie will set up our Medium page so that folks can post links to film, articles, etc for discussion. is out site!

6. Next Meeting: Monday October 9th 1-2 pm

Microtalks: Corrie, Ed, Erin

Discuss Rat Film